To communicate the research results efficiently, a technology roadmap was constructed for each joint project with a standardised structure and architecture. The visualisation of the technology development path (architecture) was divided into the areas "Research and Development", "Materials", "Technology", "Product", "Market" and "Resource Saving". Resource saving is differentiated into savings in materials, energy and CO2.
The visualised technology roadmap was explained and described with regard to the market it addresses and the respective research environment. The description of the research environment was based on a specific bibliometrics of the respective joint project and analysed the scientific publications (journals and conferences) in the respective project’s research environment. The technology roadmaps were created individually with the respective groups in an iterative process and approved by the project coordinators. They provide summarised knowledge and a quick overview of each joint project.
The roadmaps of the individual research groups can be downloaded on the internet pages of the respective group. A "Meta Roadmap" was developed to show the individual technology roadmaps in the overall context of the funding initiative, (see Moller et al. 2014, Ostertag et al. 2013).